Monday, April 06, 2009

Climbing up some rocks

Since I am spending a couple of months in Austria I feel obliged to try out the local sport of the masses (at least it seems to me that everyone is crazy about it) - rock climbing. So yesterday my experienced tutors and me set out for Hirzmannsperre, a 45 mins picturesque drive from Graz.

There I learned that first of all one person has to do the unpopular lead climbing. Geli climbed up leaving behind her a trail of hooks that held the rope (which, I'm sure, have a proper name). My task was to collect them again on my way up. Even though I spent a considerable amount of time of my childhood climbing around in treetops I wasn't sure if I was up for the task.

The first go was kind of weird but from the second on I forgot all about height and slipping and falling. On my 5 trips up I got all the hooks, looked into an empty bird's nest and the bruises on knees and elbows serve as proof of my dedication. It's great fun, definitely an experience to (hopefully) be repeated soon!

Thanks to tutors Anita and Geli, and Karin for companionship!

Hirzmannsperre April 2009


natachef said...

oh my! scary!

natachef said...

oh my!

Anonymous said...

das schaut ja wirklich schon sehr professionell aus! Würd mich freuen, wenn wir es wieder einmal gemeinsam probieren würden. Frohe Ostern wünscht dir karin