Friday, August 07, 2009

Austrian Treasures

Our little Erasmus trip lead us to Linz, where we enjoyed the perfect Schweinsbraten with Knödel created by Gatsch and then ventured up to the roofs for some Höhenrausch challenges. To recover from that we went to the beautiful Wolfgangsee in Salzkammergut, where we basically had more Knödel, Kasnockn and Bauernjausn. Apart from eating we also visited Salzburg for a day. Then there was more eating in the house of Petra's parents, where her father had a Barbecue ready for us.

On my way back to Berlin I stopped over for a night in Angela's (La Alemana) house, where we had a lovely Barbecue. She now has a little daughter, Theresa, who is 5 months old. David is already 3 years old.

Arriving in Berlin after a 10 hours (!) trip from Munich (it normally takes 5 hours, but I got stuck in 4 major traffic jams) I went to the office opening party of my translation agency, and we had - guess what, a really tasty Barbecue.
So, now you know what we do here all summer ;)

Click on the album below to see more pictures of our culinary trip:

Austrian Erasmus Reunion 2009

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