Sunday, September 25, 2011

New York in 4 days

It´s been 11 years since I´ve lived in NY and have never been back since, wow! It was great to revisit places, eat loads of pizza slices and the occasional fish gut (accidentally ordered at a posh japanese sake restaurant), and of course to meet old friends again - especially my roommate who I had completely lost touch with, I literally ran into him on the street in front of our old apartment, what a surprise!

Apart from that my old friend Micky happened to be in town, who I have not seen in years, and I went to see their show on Monday night - they were amazing as always (now I can´t get the Molotov songs out of my head!), and on Tuesday night I met Fitz, who I have not seen in ages either (apart from about 30 seconds at the Berlin festival 2 weeks ago), and he invited me to the completely sold out Tune Yards show!

In the short phases when I wasn´t recovering from jetlag/lack of sleep/hangovers I went into a shopping craze and am now equipped with a great new Canon camera and high-quality outdoor gear for my trip to South America (putting it all to the test tomorrow, when ascending up to 5000 m on the Cotopaxi volcano).

All in all, a very diverse week, ending with a night at the Nordic cine festival in Mexico city (my only night there, since I was only in transit to Ecuador), where I even got to meet the embassador!

New York

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