Monday, June 11, 2007

A quick stopover in São Luis and back to Salvador

São Luis is famous for its historic center, which has been declared Unesco World Heritage site. The colonial buildings are painted in pastel colors or have facades made of colourful tiles. Unfortunately a lot of the colonial buildings are empty and in a state of decay. Apart from the evenings, where there was live music in the street and lots of people partying the historic center is rather quiet, there are hardly any restaurants or shops, on Sunday night it was difficult to find anything open for dinner.

But close by is the mercado central and a big shopping street with loads of clothes and shoe stores. I spent Saturday shopping for presents and found great stuff. Sunday I spent on the beach. It is not a really nice beach, the water is rather dirty plus loads of girls bleach their body hair right on the beach (there are even vendors walking around selling the mix for bleaching) and wash off the bleach in the sea. I first couldn’t figure out what the girls were doing, I thought they were all using sunblock.

I was happy to be back in Salvador and tia Rejane. I only stayed one day and did my last shopping. I tried to see the Bomfim church, where people supposedly have been healed of diseases and loads of crutches and other things they left behind decorate the church interior. It took me almost 2 hours to get there (the public bus system in Salvador is comparable to the one in Dublin) and when I finally got there I found the church closed (advice: don’t go there on a Monday!).

The next morning I went to Praia do Forte to say good-bye to my friend Miau. We had a nice farewell BBQ with fish that his whole family (and most of the people in his street) joined.

Unfortunately I ate a part of a fish that you’re not supposed to eat (it was very bitter, Miau said it was the fish’s testicles) and I got a bad stomach pain that lasted all the next day and night. So my flight back wasn’t exactly enjoyable but now I’m back a few days already and well again!

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